Recent developments from FAO: YUNGA, 7th March 2014
Over half of the world’s 1.8 million youth live in rural areas; with half of this number working in the agriculture sector. YUNGA has partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO) to produce the Junior Farmer Field and Life School (JFFLS). JFFLS aims to empower vulnerable youth, and provide them with the livelihood options and gender-sensitive skills needed for long-term food security while reducing their vulnerability to destitution and risk coping strategies. One of the other major objectives of the JFFLS is to promote the creation of gender-equal attitudes, by enabling youth to exercise the same roles and responsibilities and developing their capacities to assess relationships and understand the risks and resources present within their community. The strength of the JFFLS is its unique learning methodology and curriculum, which combines agricultural, life and entrepreneurship skills in an experiential and participatory learning approach uniquely suited to rural communities and low literacy levels.
Check out the following modules that YUNGA have developed:
Community Seed Banks: www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/fao_ilo/pdf/Other_docs/FAO/Community_Seed_Banks.pdf
You can see all the available modules and facilitator guides on the right hand side of the FAO-ILO JFFLS page:www.fao-ilo.org/fao-ilo-youth/fao-ilo-jffls/en
Enjoy it, share it, get involved!
Best wishes,
The YUNGA Team
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