Before coming to Fruit Logistica 2014 Flying Doctors won the
SIVAL D’ARGENT 2014 Award recognizing the exceptional potential of BIOBEST’s innovation.
This product is amazing because it cuts down the labor and pollen costs for
growers in Europe even in orchards.
This product combines pollination and crop protection using
flying Bumblebees. The system works by having the bees pass through a dispenser
tray containing the microbial crop protection product which sticks to their
bodies. When the bees are released they pollinate the flowers but they also
effortlessly transfer the crop protection product which has been particularly
effective against grey mould and flower thrips in lab and commercial crop
tests. Biobest is also testing the possibility of using this system to help
combat leaf diseases!

The advantages of the Flying Doctor system for farmers
according to the company are that less crop protection product is needed, labor
costs are saved because the number of crop sprays can be reduced, Residues are
reduced helping growers meet maximum residue levels, The method reduces the
risk of resistance build up and the bee deployment method makes the most
efficient use of the protection products employed. In Europe it can be used for a wide variety
of fruit and vegetables such as strawberries, in orchards (Apples, Pears),seed
production , Zucchini,Melons,Small fruit :Cranberries, Raspberries etc.
Tomatoes, Sweet Peppers and other crops. For the Caribbean this technology
could be adapted especially for tomatoes and for sweet peppers and even better
news the system can be shipped anywhere in the world.
I think this innovation should have been nominated for the
Fruit Logistica Award 2014 because of its great potential and its pioneering approach
to sustainable crop management. Hats off to you BIOBEST for your great
work for sustainable crop management!!
CHECK OUT: The Flying Doctors in action through this great video by BIOBEST below !!